Every summer, there’s that song — the song that defines those sunny days and balmy nights, the one you’ll forever associate with a specific time and place. This week, Talkhouse writers talk their song of the summer of 2014.
— the editors of the Talkhouse
I freakin’ love summer. I love that you can just wear basically nothing and don’t have to put on a coat and, like, five million other things that you lose, like scarves and earmuffs and gloves and other crap. And I’m extra super-psyched this summer because I’ve been working out so I can fit into my original Calvin Klein jean cut-offs from high school.
It’s hard to pick a Song of the Summer — I’m still obsessed with Pharrell’s “Happy” because it makes me so damn happy, and there is nothing like watching your three-year-old jam like a maniac to this song. I also love it because of this video where P cries with Oprah. Magical!
But that was last year’s jam.
I picked “I Own It” by Nacey featuring Angel Haze for a few reasons. The first is that I love a wicked electronic track with female hip-hop vocals. Those things are a staple of my DJ sets and, of course, what I try to do in many of my own songs. Think of “212” by Azealia Banks (she never did anything as good as that again, in my opinion) or way back to J.J. Fad’s “Supersonic.”
The second reason I picked this song is because, let’s face it, swimsuit season is difficult for most of us ladies who aren’t Jen Selter and “I Own It” is a fantastic mantra for owning your body on the beach. Whatever size you may be ladies, own your body, love it and, like Missy Elliott commands us — work it! A guru once told me that if you feel fat, then just transform it into feeling large and in charge!
Like I said, I recently got into my old high school cut-offs, but before that the baby weight stayed on me like gooey cheese on a slice. I totally felt fat and frustrated, but worked with those feelings to love myself no matter what, and from that I was able to eat a little better and exercise. But beating yourself up never, never works. The media don’t help with their unrealistic standards of women’s bodies, Photoshopping already beautiful bodies into unattainable perfection — so Princess Superstar says own that boddayyyy!
And speaking of owning it, another reason why I like Angel Haze is because she recently told the Independent about her relationship with Ireland Baldwin. “We fuck and friends don’t fuck,” because she was sick of the press always saying she was “best friends” with her girlfriend instead of just embracing being a lesbian. She owns that pussy!
I myself am definitely owning the Summer of 2014! You can see a video from my new EP I’m a Firecracker here (it’s out this week!) ) and see clips from my upcoming reality show I Love Princess Superstar here; it’s about my hectic life living as a rapper as well as an Upper East Side mom married to a crazy Spanish guy. (It’s sort of a modern I Love Lucy!)
But enough about me. Leave ya comments below and tell me how YOU are owning the summer!