Lil Bub and Jon Wurster

Lil Bub is a one-of-a-kind space cat made of equal parts science and magic. In her four years on Earth, she’s accomplished quite a bit: she’s written books, hosted talk shows and started the first national fund for special needs pets. But more recently, she’s conceptualized and materialized a full-length album that instrumentally tells the story of her arrival, her mission and her true purpose on Earth. You can read all about her here, learn about her charitable work here, and follow her on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.


Jon Wurster has been the drummer for indie-rock stormtroopers Superchunk since 1991. He also mans the tubs* for the Mountain Goats and the Bob Mould Band. When not touring the world, playing music and looking for exciting new kinds of candy, Jon is one half of the Scharpling & Wurster comedy team. This is Jon’s first interview with an animal.

*Jon absolutely HATES calling drums “tubs.”


(photo credit: John Plymale)


Lil Bub Talks with Jon Wurster (Superchunk, Mountain Goats, Bob Mould Band) for the Talkhouse Music Podcast

By Lil Bub and Jon Wurster | November 11, 2015

Lil Bub Talks with Jon Wurster (Superchunk, Mountain Goats, Bob Mould Band) for the Talkhouse Music Podcast

A very special conversation between a really cute cat and a really funny drummer.