Party jams. Seems like a cop out on my part to write it. But this is a record about good times gone hairy + maybe a bit scary. The feeling of nineties basement shows in my home state of NJ is inescapable. That spirt of wreckless-ass optimism — when your world finally got bigger — mixed with the relentless assault of media corps suddenly wising up + getting savvy so you had to get savvy-ier or just dismiss ’em. All this plus ten or so years of being/living in the shit. And you get better + what you wanted to do got clearer. You bought more records. Fell in + out love + made it through Bush II, got all psyched 4 Obama + well…we’ll see right? At some party there was lots drugs + booze w/tuff morning afters. All the art school latenite hangs are probably paying off about now. Not sure now but it feels about right. Oni is a monster/ogre of sorts and a pond is a pond is a pond is a pond. On it. In it: Man Man.
MJ 11 19 2013