For the first episode of SEASON SIX, we have the LONGEST Drifter’s episode of all time!
…this may have something to do with the fact that Emil gets drunk at the end in a quest to fully articulate his true feelings about one of his favorite underdogs. “Mellow Soldiers” had to be born to explore the dark & often unintentional side of the soft rock we’ve all grown up with.
…The SOLDIERS at hand for this episode are largely :
*Art Garfunkel – the reigning king of insincerity..
*Rupert Holmes – the nasa scientist that might’ve guided pop music to entirely new geographies of deeper & subtler content…
*Country – an obscure folk-rock band who’s two songwriters came from fascinating chess-piece positions and then suffered two drastically different fates..
*Charles Manson – the reigning king of candlelit, acoustic guitar crooning andddddd murder..
*Christie – the power pop band that nearly united the continents under one banner of sick azzz choruses…
>> HAPPY NEW YEAR & welcome to SEASON SIX✨🔦✨
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