Episode 116- The Takeoff with guests Call Out Culture

This week we have a special crossover episode with our buddies Alaska, Zilla Rocca and Curly Castro, MCs and hosts of the podcast Call Out Culture. All 6 of us submitted a hip-hop related “hot take” and then everyone had a chance to respond. We call it The Takeoff. It’s intended to be a bit punchier than our usual winding discussions. Please click to listen to the rap nerd royal rumble and send us your feedback on the following hot takes:

  1. There are only 2 perfect hip-hop albums, Main Source Breaking Atoms and A Tribe Called Quest Midnight Marauders
  2. Born Like This is DOOM’s Best Album
  3. Redman ruined Method Man
  4. Nasir is Nas’s 2nd best album
  5. Jay Electronica is overrated and the new album is mid
  6. We all wasted our time listening to back pack rap, the music that has stood up form that era is the music we were all ostensibly against.

Beats for this week’s show were submitted by Zilla Rocca from his Bandcamp-exclusive recently-released beat tape. Make sure to tune into Part 2 on Call Out Culture’s feed for a deeper discussion!

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This show is part of Pantheon Podcasts.